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What is Homeopathy?

Homeopathy: It is an Individualized form of integrated medicine, used for 200 years by 500 million worldwide, has robust research, is natural, effective, inexpensive and has fantastic green credentials. It’s actually the most sustainable form of medicine there is.


How does it work? Homeopathy is based on natural laws, one of which is the law of similars, the concept that “like cures like”, finding the similars in nature and matching them to the body’s symptoms. Based on an old idea that goes back to Hypocrites, that you can create change using similars. An observation that has been used for centuries is that you can’t have two similar diseases in the body at the same time. Homeopathy helps to root out the disease permanently using small micro doses. 

What Do We Do?

Homeopathy is based on the body’s ability to heal itself, the more YOU can do outwardly such as limiting sugar, food dyes, processed food, and eating quality whole foods, allows the body to focus on healing. Consider this a partnership with yourself and your homeopath, I will walk along with you in this journey. 

Homeopaths do not diagnose or treat diseases, nor do we need a diagnosis; just bring your symptoms. We look at all signs and symptoms of a person to understand the relationship between all symptoms, each symptom is a part of the whole; we gather all the detailed info then step back to see the full picture, like a map or a puzzle.




Homeopathy for more scientific minds~ How does it work? The mechanism of action is still somewhat unknown, however recent discoveries have confirmed this 200-year-old medicine. Discoveries regarding the memory of water and nano medicine have confirmed that large dilutions, when strongly agitated, contain the same energy as the whole molecule; therefore, even toxins are safe because no large molecule or DNA remain. It's more in the field of Quantum Physics and frequency. The dilution and agitation (succussion) make the remedies more potent and allow it to hold its frequency using electromagnetic waves and hydrogen bonds. Whew. You’re welcome! Now you probably know more about any medicine than you have ever taken.

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